Five Acne Treatment Myths

Five Acne Treatment Myths

The ProDerma – dermatology clinic Dubai specializes in dispelling widespread misconceptions about the management of acne. Several myths surround acne, a common skin issue, which can make therapy less successful. We’ll dispel five fallacies about acne treatments that you should no longer believe in this post.

Myth 1: Adults Are Immune to Acne

The idea that acne only affects teens is a persistent fallacy. The dermatological clinic in Dubai, ProDerma, states that people of all ages might have acne. Acne’s primary symptoms persist even if its appearance may change as people age because of variances in their oil production. It is imperative, regardless of age, to get expert acne treatment.

Myth 2: Acne Is a Direct Result of Stress

Although stress does affect hormone levels, there isn’t any solid proof that it causes acne. Stress alone won’t considerably aggravate or alleviate acne, according to doctors at ProDerma – dermatological clinic Dubai. Under the epidermal surface, where pores clog, is where acne is mostly caused. While minimizing stress is good for general health, controlling acne may not be solved by doing so.

Myth 3: Excessive Scrubbing Gets Rid of Acne

Some people think that vigorous washing helps clear acne and remove pollutants from the skin. This strategy, however, is ineffective. Since acne usually develops underneath the skin’s surface, abrasive rubbing can make it worse. Instead, use a gentle washing program with mild soap or acne-specific treatments that dermatologists prescribe. Consult experts at ProDerma, a dermatological clinic in Dubai, for tailored assistance.

Myth 4: Acne Is Spreadable

Acne is not infectious, despite what many people think. Despite the fact that acne is caused by bacteria, it does not transmit from person to person. Although acne is not contagious in and of itself, it is best to avoid sharing towels or pillows for hygienic reasons. Acne does not result from transmission; rather, it is caused by a number of underlying variables.

Myth 5: Toothpaste Is a Successful Acne Treatment

There is a popular online fallacy that claims using toothpaste helps treat acne. However, not only is this advice useless, but it may also damage your skin. Fluoride and sodium lauryl sulfate, two ingredients in toothpaste, can aggravate acne and soothe healthy skin. It is better to stay away from using toothpaste to treat acne and instead use safer, dermatologist-recommended alternatives.


These five myths about treating acne have endured for a long time, confusing people who want clear, healthy skin. Consider speaking with professionals at ProDerma, a dermatological clinic in Dubai, for precise information and efficient acne treatment. Our committed dermatologists are experts in offering treatments for clear, beautiful skin. Don’t let misconceptions about acne prevent you from getting the skin you deserve.

For more information on scientifically proven acne treatments, go to ProDerma, a dermatology clinic in Dubai, can help you on your path to clear, healthy skin.

Author: Nora Carpenter

Basketball fan, hustler, music blogger, Swiss design-head and product designer. Performing at the intersection of aesthetics and elegance to give life to your brand. Check me out on Dribbble or Medium.

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